Every organisation would benefit from listening to its customers or users. Doing so in a structured way delivers even greater value.

We have honed our consultation and engagement skills over many years, principally in the public and third sectors. Consultation programmes have included major public campaigns on proposals for significant changes to the delivery of services, while engagement programmes have ranged from work with resident and community groups to service users across sectors. The outcomes have informed critical decisions whether through a ballot box, survey or less formal measures.

  • Market Research

    Our market research offering covers both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Often, we combine the two to provide clients with statistical evidence and the softer, more in-depth insight that can be gained from structured one-to-one interviews or group sessions.

    The research takes much of the guesswork out of future product or service delivery shaping and, alongside intelligent data, can save time and money while increasing the likelihood of success.

  • Consultation

    We cut our teeth on developing complex, multi-audience consultation programmes around changes to the ownership and management of social housing. Our experience of Large Scale Voluntary Transfer, Estate Renewal Challenge Fund and Single Regeneration Budget programmes also informed our work on consulting on merges, acquisitions and the creation of group structures.

  • Engagement

    Often confused with consultation, engagement is a more on-going cultural position – listening to customers and service users to help shape the delivery of your offering.

    Well-planned and executed engagement provides both you and your customers with a positive experience that increases confidence, trust and loyalty.